Sunday, March 23, 2014

Surprise Date!


Just wanted to write a little bit about what went down today. My boyfriend, Pat, planned a date for us back in February and wanted to keep the details a secret. I've been in turmoil for the past few weeks (I hate surprises, generally). But it turned out to be such a great day!

We had lunch at My Cousin Vinny's in Niagara (delicious!) and then he took me to see Bodies Revealed!!!

Bodies Revealed. Can you see Pat hiding?
Sorry for the instagram quality haha...I had to sneak those photos.

I'm a Kinesiology student through and through. I loved every minute of this exhibit. My boyfriend and I are such nerds haha.

After that, he took me to Lundy's Lane and we did a little bit of shopping. I scored this awesome A-line leather skirt at Garage for 5 bucks. I've got outfit ideas in the works already! We rounded Lundy's off with a visit to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory...mmmm giant peanut butter chocolate cups.

Pat asked if he could take one shot of me somewhere (he's an awesome photographer). I agreed and so we decided to shoot in Hamilton. The one photo turned into a 20 minute photo shoot. Here's one of the photos:

If you are looking for a photographer, this one comes highly recommended :) He does some amazing outdoor photography, portraits and more.

You can check out all his work here at

What a lovely, lovely day I had - thanks to my sweet boyfriend :)

Hope your day was just as great!



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